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CS183B’s Startup of You, Inc.

by Larry Chiang on September 28, 2014

Larry Chiang commands a fabricated degree called a J.B.A. Jedi in Business Administration and siddled up to Mark McCormack. Neither he nor his mentor went to Harvard Business. But after Chiang’s HLS keynote, Harvard’s Harbus wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Better than a credit bureau dispute penned from downtown Palo Alto, this entrepreneurship article, “CS183B Startup of You, Inc.” will pay for that free Y Combinator tuition and get you to be VIP at Startup School, October 11, 2014 at DeAnza community college.

Larry Chiangby Larry Chiang

Have you started You, Inc.?

Seriously, before you start a startup and toss an app into YC, you should make sure “You, Inc.” has started. Who am I?! At MIT, I got undergrads and MBAs off the sidelines by doing “Entrepreneurship Education for Engineering Majors Who May Never Be Founder”

So, based on my having taught ENGR145 and NVC, let me mentor you CS 183B students. I want you to know what my mentor taught me.

Pay attention to Point Number Four. It is a credit bureau secret that will help you self-fund “You, Inc”.

You should focus on how to start. Here are 23 tweets about the first 17 steps. These steps helped Stanford students be entrepreneurial in how they seeked out I-N-T-E-R-N-S-H-I-P-S


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