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Why Arb?

by Larry Chiang on October 8, 2017

10:10 October 8, 2017
By Larry Chiang

Why arbitrage?

Alpha (males) speak in code. Arb is arbitrage. When you’re listening to a group of alphas at a networking event, people drop so much lingo that it’s SO CONFUSING. If you’re chasing a higher valuation…, all you care about is arbitrage. If your goal is to increase your personal value, all you foci on is arbitrage

Hold on to your butts because it’s about to get more confusing. Hold on because it is also about to get MORE counterintuitive. 

I have the rarely held opinion that “being an arbitrage virgin is not good if you’re a tech founder”. Thus, #puInternship1bpc pops your cherry de la arbitrage. 

#puInternship1bpc Pop up Internship /theorem  #ReverseTuition
Goal. Sell something you don’t buy
Goal: sell it first and then “buy” the Braun power cord. 

Here are a couple of fresh pictures. There are more when you google. For your eBay listing, you’ll also need 7-8 pictures. My eBay user name is larrychiang

Update me “like you’re a FedEx package”. But instead of going from Memphis to Palo Alto. You’re going from ‘arbitrage virgin’ to “semi-pro #cs183a practitioner”

Enjoy selling a Braun power cord



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