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2015 Internpalooza in Silicon Valley

by Larry Chiang on April 1, 2015

Larry Chiang’s book, What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School, has an entire chapter devoted to “Mentorship”. As CEO of Duck9, he helps institutions make credit receivables less risky and plays the other side to by getting college consumers get a FICO over 750. Post Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. This post is about, “How to get an internship at a startup that is going to make you salary and stock rich”.

When supermodels get paid internships, they use the pics to build their portfolio. We as supermodels get paid to build up a body of work. Video courtesy Larry Chiang YouTube channel
Stanford, CALIF.
zip code 94305, +/- 150 miles = Silicon Valley
By Larry Chiang
What’s Internpalooza!? It is the parade of internship people from ivy schools. A paid internship at a high profile tech company is surprisingly accessible. Even for crap colleges like the U of I 😉 Getting an internship takes focusing on a subroutine of details. While they’re easy to do. They’re easier not to execute. Easy business subroutines are easier to ignore, discount, lament and analyze than they are to execute.
“Me and winners do not know why losers don’t execute”
— Larry Chiang
Third Institution of Silicon Valley*

That’s the counterintuitive news.
The problem:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

Housing is a problem.

Solving your housing problem will entail seeing this blog post as a business subroutine you copy-paste like how you copy paste from
– StackOverFlow
– GitHub
– Duck9 for your FICO score prep**
(I rescinded all IP. It’s yours free. Even my book was copyright free:-)
Here is my signature business subroutine for undergrads to pattern replicate being a CS major, and program a summer 2015 internship with housing:
/1/ Realize What Drives Silicon Valley
Interns that become founders.
Every future founder, VCs hypothesize, comes to Silicon Valley as an intern of some sort. Future founders all are paid apprentices under
– Uber (Travis Kalanik),
– Julia Hartz (Eventbrite),
– Lisa Falzone (Revel Systems)
– Cory Levy (One)
– Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
– Zuck (@Facebook dot com)
– Jeremy (@Yelp dot com)
You like that I just gave you email addresses!? Cold emailing as a CS major works really well. You can just guess at the email like the Dan Shipper blog post (
Interns that have a high probability in being founders is incredibly sought after! This leads me to my next point…
/2/ Make It. Take it.
The general population used to think “fake it until you make it”. Nope. You, the street smart CS majors are self-starters. Heck, you are reading this and sharing this and studying this. Self-start. Make it. Take it.
“It”, of course, is what…?
The key to solving housing is to
– Make Entrepreneurship
– Take Entrepreneurship
How you specify specifically make it and take it leads to my next point
/3/ Solve housing with a “Minimum Viable Entrepreneurship Execution for Naperville Interns in Silicon Valley” (M.V.E.E.N.I.S.V. #MVEENISV)
The gen pop thinks acronyms are too inside baseball. Street smart interns see acronyms as signature business subroutines that work all the time 95% of the time.
The gen pop is out there begging on Facebook for housing. The gen pop is trolling Craig @Craiglist dot com for low cost housing (May 20- August 13). Plot spoiler: What works in College Station, Urbana, Columbus and W Lafayette won’t work here.
Here in Silicon Valley, you’re gonna need to hustle. Here is how to hustle:
Tweet #MVEENISV. If you don’t tweet, start. Twitter is what powerful people in Silicon Valley care about. Still. If you do not feel popular bc you’ll only have me as your follower, start up. Start a twitter with the best signature business recipe #LTMTVA
(Remember, CS majors google to get code. So google LTMVTA. It’ll help you #MVEENISV)
Counterintuitive truth. A tweet about
#MVEENISV @LarryChiang
lands in my email inbox as high priority. While I am not important… These people care
– Uber (@TravisK),
– @JuliaHartz (Eventbrite),
– @LisaFalzone (Revel Systems)
– @Cory Levy (One)
– Jeff @Bezos (Amazon)
– @JeremyS (@Yelp dot com)
You like that I just gave you twitter addresses!? Cold tweeting as a CS major works really well. You can just google the twitter. Remember, Ryan Graves was kinda like an intern when he cold tweeted Travis. It helped Ryan be an employee at #UberCab and while a billion isn’t all the money on the world, it’s a good start
I dunno where Ryan slept that first month.
I do know Mike Maples crashed on Evan Williams couch
I do know Jeremy Lin slept on Landry Fields sofa.
I do know that George Clooney slept on sofas too.
-4b- #MVEENISV up
Remember #MVEENISV stands for Minimum Viable Entrepreneurship Execution for Naperville (Illinois!) Interns in Silicon Valley
The gen pop sees entrepreneurship as a perfect idea no one has thought of before you. Silicon Valley sees ideas as cheap. Execution is everything.
Execute “Minimum Viable Entrepreneurship Execution for Naperville Interns in Silicon Valley” by doing three kinda simple things
– tweet “#MVEENISV @LarryChiang”
– set up LTMVTA
– load up an event on Eventbrite where you host something in Silicon Valley
I know you’re a kid. I know I am mentoring you to host something. It is street smart to host something. If you’re scared to execute, pattern replicate a “signature business recipe”(see a pattern here?!). The signature business recipe for hosting an event in a city you do not live in (yet) is LTMVP (less than minimum viable party #LTMVP)
“At the core of #MVEENISV is hosting a 11 min party on @eventbrite. Invite @LarryChiang #LTMVP
I wanted to call this article
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“What Id Do As a 20 year old Intern named Larry or Lauren CHIANG”

Cory Levy hosted a conference as a high school junior at Stanford University

“When an intern moves, Silicon Valley moves faster than Providence”
— Larry Chiang
See my tweets…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Silicon Valley interns. The 2015 edition #PRPRPI


PRPRPI explained
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#Internpalooza w Kara Swisher July 22, 2014…
Unofficial Austin (@UnofficialATX)
Thx for liking my vid & tweet @733amDo u know about @LarryChiang‘s #ENGR145, E145 is “tech entrepreneurship” class


Old people like thank you notes. Thank you emails suck
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
The general population (gen pop) saw and sees my friend Megan like a stripper. I knew she was a L3 (third year law school).
Heck. Call me and I’ll walk you through #MVEENISV
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
As the Third Institution of Silicon Valley, I’m the co-founder of UTeWeek. But I’m a civilian so you do not salute me. My 650-283-8008 (cell) is real. If it sounds like a joke, it’s hilariously real and #hiLarryAss
Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport:
Cutting deals as a 10 year old is funny too!

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