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Garry Tan and I on The Counterintuitive Stuff in YC, Stanford Engineering and Everywhere

by Larry Chiang on September 15, 2017

By Larry Chiang

Garry Tan (@garrytan)
@andreisavu @rabois @paulg So many: Spending too much money, not working hard, not making a good product, not doing enough sales, not charging enough, hiring poorly


What a nice dinner conversation we had Joseph Vasquez and Neilda Pacquing and friends that Joe gathered together!

Here’s the tweet and rabbit-hole. I say rabbit hole because counter-intuitive stuff is how I got my springboard start. I say rabbit hole because it runs pretty deep and very, very people risk talking about counterintuitive entrepreneurship truths Re Paul Graham and Keith Rabois on stuff that’s “counter-intuitive”

Keith Rabois (@rabois)
@paulg @garrytan The challenge is that they are so counter-intuitive that if you just avoided the mistakes you might have an 80% prospect for success.

Paul Graham (@paulg)
Startups lose by making unforced errors.

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