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John Delorean, Engineer, had a Problem with the Chasm

by Larry Chiang on May 20, 2017

Larry Chiang honors engineering school by hacking money. Duck9 co-founder Matt Smith and Larry Chiang graduated with a FICO score over 800 despite Fair Isaac’s algorithm. Chiang later taught Stanford Engineering’s ‘technology entrepreneurship’, Engineering 145, because being street smart is very valuable. Based on another mentor’s book, Chiang wrote “What They Don’t Teach You at Business School”. Chiang’s Harvard Law keynote, was about street smarts of cofounding a law firm. Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“ (it’s the same title as his NY Times bestseller). If you read his hilariously awesome “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Stanford MBA”, “Third Institution of Silicon Valley“, “How to Get Man-Charm”, and, “Hack Your Credit FICO Score as a Stanford CS Major Undergrad“, you will like his latest post that recommends that you sell bicycles and not cocaine to fund ‘crossing the chasm from the right

Larry Chiangby Larry Chiang

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
John Delorean had a problem with the chasm. To deal with a cash crunch, he traffic’d cocaine. #CarlIsBad [photo credit


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The #WrightBros sold bikes to fund airplane building. Delorean sold coke. Guess who the engineers, were? #trickQuestion
#cs183vc Lec 3…


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
@nicoleverkindt @cbcdragon We have not needed money to make money since the #WrightBros parlayed bike sales into co-founding *planes* at #1127westThirdStreet

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Sent from my iPhone 8 that Steve Jobs texted me at (two iPhone 4’s where @6502838008 texted back and forth 🙂

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