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In The Media

Tech Sales

by Larry Chiang on July 10, 2020

By Larry Chiang

Tech sales is where you take you Bay Area engineering degree and cram those four years of expertise into someone’s brain. That  person you’re mentoring is a sales prospect. 

The mentees will fight you. 

But this skill of tech sales can be actually fun and funny. For example…

“With â¦â€ª@LarryChiang‬⁩ doing sales training for @Stanford_daily staff. And by training I mean calling tech bloggers & pitching print ads. Hooboy.”
— Jason Shen (@JasonShen)
I wanted to show Stanford Daily ad salespeople that mentoring tech bloggers to buy print ads can be helpful to their conferences businesses. 
Look at how many Stanford Daily alums have springboarded because of sales and tech sales. 
Jason Shen (@JasonShen)
With ⁦‪@LarryChiang‬⁩ doing sales training for @Stanford_daily staff. And by training I mean calling tech bloggers & pitching print ads. Hooboy.
Look at great tech bloggers who host technical conferences on or near The Farm.
Tech sales is hard for two reasons
– the tech component 
– the sales aspects
Founders need people who do tech sales. Professor Blank talks about avoiding “startup death spiral” which is a common, trite, popular and cliche pattern. The problematic pattern is that two or three cofounders all refuse to do technical sales. They outsource selling and tech sales to a vp of sales. They delegate doing tech sales to a business development hire. This biz dev person fights against the founders and eventually gets fired
Confucius say: Upon the second VP of Sales getting fired, a founder gets fired too. 
Solution: Founders. Learn tech sales. 
Key insight: All a vc is is a tech salesperson. 
Key insight: More women entering tech sales would lead to wayyyyy more female VCs 

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