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In The Media

Video Credit Mike Reiss*

by Larry Chiang on February 6, 2017

Larry Chiang rolls into super bowl parties with a J.B.A. Jedi in Business Administration. Neither Mark McCormack, his mentor, nor he went to Harvard Business School. But after Chiang’s Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard’s Harbus wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Better than a credit bureau letter mailed from Chiang’s Palo Alto dorm room, this entrepreneurship article, “Video Credit, Mike Reiss” will pay for that free Startup Academy tuition via these blog posts.

Larry Chiangby Larry Chiang

Mike Reiss (@MikeReiss)
Roger Goodell calls up Tom Brady to receive his MVP trophy.

By Larry Chiang

Who are you giving credit to!? Who was the last person you gave credit to?!

I’m here on my blog to argue that when you’re starting up, you should give out credit [credit and venture capital pun, intended]

(credit Mike Reiss)

He took a picture at Marriott with Roger Goodell and Tom Brady. I’m guessing majority of people on Twitter just rip and repost without proper attribution. I see this pattern a lot in entrepreneurship where people don’t give credit. They steal it. They try to collect on sweat equity in an unfair way.
Mike Reiss (@MikeReiss)
Roger Goodell calls up Tom Brady to receive his MVP trophy.
I am here to amplify that citing and sourcing helps. Mentor mentioning, helps. It’s counterintuive that giving credit has a momentum of its own.
Call to action. Cite and source someone who helped you get into Stanford engineering on social media. Thank a high school networking contact that wrote a recommendation letter for you that helped in you get admittance.

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