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BuHahahaa, Gotcha! #cs183buHahahaa

by Larry Chiang on July 26, 2016

By Larry Chiang

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#cs183buHahahaa documents gotcha capitalism. It’s #EUBM gone wrong. Knowledge activating “creative business models”…

The bad…

Ben Lucier (@benlucier)
I haven’t moved back to Canada yet and I already loathe the pricing tricks that Bell and Rogers are playing on me. #internet #phone

The more bad.

Rob Hyndman (@rhh)
$1000 @RogersHelps cel bill last month because they price data overage by the thimbleful…

The good.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Couple who met through Airbnb gets married in the company’s SF lobby – #888Brannan… 

alyssa pereira (@alyspereira)
@LarryChiang hi larry, thanks for the link, but these were actually provided to me by the wedding party via Airbnb. I did not take them.

Reversing wedding costs is a creative (personal) business model.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Take something that’s normally money out. Make it money in. #ReverseWeddingCosts #cs183buHahahaa…

The bad (but very creative!): Make windfall money on damages. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Creative Business Models (inside the sharing economy) Re Airbnb damage revenue #cs183buHahahaa…
How creative are u!?
problem-revenue-distribution-Engineer-Up-Business-Model 1) problem 2) revenue 3) distribution “Engineer Up Business Model
How creative is your startup?!?
I first came across #cs183buHahahaa when credit card companies were screwing consumers in a very patternistic way. 

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