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Two Hard Skillsets

by Larry Chiang on July 17, 2015

Larry Chiang is an instructional humorist and has a JBA (Jedi in Business Administration). He will get you your ROI for Stanford Business School before attending Stanford GSB. After a Harvard Law School event, Harvard Business School wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. He taught ENGR145 2010 – 2013 as an “E.I.R.’ and now mentors us on how to combine both “CS” and ‘sales’; Two verrrrrrry hard skillsets.

Stanford, CALIF. 94305

By Larry Chiang

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The toughest part of having an engineering degree is setting it aside to speak to mayors in protocol of #DeBlasioUber
By Larry Chiang
Getting a CS degree is “hard”.
Speaking to seasoned executives is hard also. They’re hard in polar opposite ways. They’ve almost no overlap. Doing both helps you because few know CS. Few know selling to old people.  Almost no one can do both.
Take this seasoned exec that Travis is trying to “sell”:

DeBlasio is the mayor of NYC.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

I get the very strong feeling that Mayor deBlasio will get sold by the voting citizens on NYC — remember computer code helped. Remember, selling skills helped. [lobbying is definitely a form of sales and at the heart of seasoned executive whispering]


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