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In The Media

Constellation of Opportunities for CS Major (CRO’s)

by Larry Chiang on September 1, 2015

By Larry Chiang
I get asked all-the-time if there is a certification process to be a “CS major CRO” designate
#csMajorCRO “certification” is easy. Just do a PopUpInternship, make $300. Spend that same $300 anywhere. Fill out a schedule C. You keep 100%. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“SalesForce has a constellation of opportunities that newbie founders can solve in a semester.”
— Larry Chiang

If you’re taking a class on entrepreneurship, getting $300 in revenue pretty much sets the bell curve. 

Let me repeat, even if you’re a YC startup, getting $300 in revenue helps you set the bell curve. Let everyone else in class dream about venture capital. We engineers can just arbitrage the most simple task ever: Buy low or buy for zero, sell high. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Bring a moleskin to SalesForce #StartupSummit #DF15. Mimic @crazyfoo @shtat @ #LeadsCon #ENGR145 

— @LarryChiang

Take some notes on this video which is a work of staggering genius!

Cross the Chasm, FROM THE RIGHT

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