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Deep Underground Capital Knowledge about Banking Secrets

by Larry Chiang on April 10, 2020

By Larry Chiang

Zero wonder to me why the cofounders of America resisted having a “central ‘bank’”

bank is in quotes because the Fed is not a bank. It’s the Creature from Jekyll Island

“The main point to make: the Fed is the state, it is not capitalism.”

Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis)

Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis)
The main point to make: the Fed is the state, it is not capitalism.

Printing money is a form of taxation. Bailouts are redistribution. Neither are wealth creation.

We’ll need a muscular form of autarkic capitalism by small businesses & big companies alike to rebuild America.

Creature from Jekyll Island is a group of senators and congressmen who met in secret to again attempt to pass legislation to make up a Federal Reserve bank. 

Europe had a lot of central banks. They do not do the citizens any favors. 
Printing money is a form of taxation. Bailouts are redistribution. Neither are wealth creation.
– Balaji S. Srinivasan 

They do not teach you in school about money. 

In business school, They Don’t teach you about sales, entrepreneurship or reading people.  

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