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How to Pitch Banks for a Loan

by Larry Chiang on October 4, 2015

By Larry Chiang

Banks need to be pitched like VCs!

If you need a loan or need venture capital…, zero people will give you money. LAW: magnets for money only go to people who abide by money laws. 


Money for some people is super easy to get. 
Money for others is impossible. 

This is the dichotomy that I see, daily. I want you in my camp. I want you in camp #1. So…

This post is about HOW TO PITCH BANKS FOR A LOAN when you’re poor and need money. It solves the chicken or egg problem. It solved the “marketplace” startup problem too of ‘WHAT COMES FIRST, SELLERS OR BUYERS’. I’m really good at starting. 

Let us start your tutelage…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
sequel this… (but for credit loans)… #bcsEUTWM

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Public is out there wondering what their FICO score is.
You make your credit score. #BCSeutwm

Download the Twitter app for 27 tweets 
#BCSeutwm. Then write out those tweets using this scrapbook.

The alternative to listening to my mentorship AND scrapbooking that mentorship is to try to lie on your credit application. I see this a lot. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I don’t blame consumers that lie on their credit app. I blame em for thinking they’re innovative
They’re cliche lies

Lying puts you firmly in the “Money is impossible to get” category of people. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)


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