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In The Media

Paris Hilton, Silicon Valley, and FICO

by Larry Chiang on October 23, 2014

Larry Chiang’s internship series at Stanford was called “How to Get Three Legendary Internships in a Row”. As CEO of Duck9, he encourages college student entrepreneurs at Stanford and beyond to get a FICO over 740 so we can all self-fund. After a Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“.

Paid internships sometimes pay millions.

By Larry Chiang


Paris Hilton!

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Hahaa, me and Paris Hilton are a “thing” #Quora… RT @niche: @LarryChiang Maybe I should spend some time over on Quora.

Paris Hilton DJs well and her innovations are examples of “Crossing the Chasm from the Right” #CTCFTR. The idea is to leverage an existing parade. The conclusion is that gravity is a force to be used for us. Not against us. CTCFTR debuted as a concept at HBS (Harvard Business School. I write there

CTCFTR has a sub 10 minute video that makes it less mysterious why innovators, like Paris Hilton, either succeed or or fail:
SXSW has FICO prep. Duck9’s method #CTCFTR’s
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
415-720-8500 (office)
650-283-8008 (cell)

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