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Regulatory (Are You a Rules Virgin?)

by Larry Chiang on October 19, 2016

By Larry Chiang 

Regulations and the aggressive adherence to rules is something that all CS majors should practice BEFORE your first startup. The primary practice application is reading the core. And then applying those FinTech rules. [Think Settlers of Catan when you no longer let urban mythical rules shift under your feet while you were winning :-]

DJ the rules to an innovation when you’re crossing the chasm, the Stanford engineering method, which is from the right.
We use financial technology, FinTech, because it’s barely financial or technological. Fintech is mired in antiquated rules and governed by 1970’s American laws. 

‘Regulatory is the pillar without which you can’t build a #fintech company’ > @roryeakin @CircleUp #SiemerSummit

Disclosure: We were both founding advisors to a set of undergrads who bucked the system and set up a business incubator on The Farm

#cs183law— reading the TOS of America helped Reid Hoffman. And PayPal. #SiemerSummit @christine @roryeakin @CircleUp cc @LendUpLoans bcc #cs183c

Reid taught a class at Stanford called “BlitzScaling”. This is his application to attend class
The rules will help Stanford engineers with the Reid Hoffman led class. The FCRA rules will also help you with your personal FICO score establishment as a Stanford undergrad or GSB founder. 

*Settlers of Catan – we all have a friend-of-a-friend who plays by a set of rules that are ever changing

**Google #ExternalAPI and adhere to a set of trademark laws with clear precedent. And just like trying to hire a vp of sales to do your distribution work for you…, you can’t delegate 100% of regulatory adherence to your lawyer. 

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