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11:11 is Like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), But for Your Student FICO Score

by Larry Chiang on June 14, 2015

Larry Chiang is a credit industry expert with a J.B.A. (Jedi in Business Administration). As Mark McCormack’s mentee, Chiang started a company out of his dorm room. He got to keynote Harvard Law and Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Be a Jedi in Business Administration by reading the Harvard HARBUS posts that cite and source his mentor’s book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”.

Larry Chiang

By Larry Chiang

SEO is what webmasters and CS majors use to game, hack and optimize INBOUND search traffic. Search Engine Optimization relies heavily on how often news sites quote passages and link to your app, telephone number or website.

Duck9 at the consumer level gamification-ifies and optimizes credit scores

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

It’s like SEO. But for FICO11:11 = 1,1,1,1…, 1

1’s are positive credit report occurrences. You paid a credit bill “on-time”
Common mistakes
– Just because the credit card has your name, doesn’t mean it’s building credit in your name.
– Build credit in your personal social security number. I know those words are scary.
– experian, equifax and trans union (#ExpTransFax) only care about associating negative credit file items to your social security number. Make them mad by stackOverflowing #ExpTransFax with positive credit info. Let me repeat: pepper and pass and marinate your #Experian #TransUnion #EquiFax in a bath of “1’s”. Let me repeat
1’s are positive credit report occurrence(s). You paid a credit bill “on-time”. 24 1’s is two years of paying on-time. Monthly. 
My father taught me: Never cook until you marinate the meat for an hour at least. I’m your credit-daddy. I’m telling you 
11:11 won’t ever be a popular sub REDDIT.
SEO is like GitHub and StackOverflow
(Hacking #ExpTransFax is the way to go!
Duck9 is gonna cost 600 bucks
But free if U google, I don’t give fux.
There’s a right side of the interest equation.
I must be the hottest, tall Asian.
Please get to a 780 FICO credit score.
I sit front rows like a dirty supermodel whore.
Stay on that mother scratching towel and don’t you dare touch that oriental carpet.


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