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19 yrs old with an 800 credit score

by Larry Chiang on July 23, 2017

🌞 (@_anhqd)
I’m 19 yrs old with an 800~ credit score. F**K wit ya girl.
🌞 (@_anhqd)
How I did it: got a credit card when I was 16. Instead of using cash/debit I just used credit instead and used my cash/debit to pay it off.

🌞 (@_anhqd)
Don’t spend too wild bc that money isn’t yours and you’re gonna have to pay it back lol + I always pay off my whole bill bc fuck interest.

🌞 (@_anhqd)
So basically keep doing what you do and spending how you spend, just use a credit card instead.

Sent from my iPhone 8 that Steve Jobs texted me at (two iPhone 4’s where @6502838008 texted back and forth 🙂

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