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Brand Project, You

by Larry Chiang on May 11, 2017

Larry Chiang googles class numbers to extrapolates GSB agendas. He has a JBA (Jedi in Business Administration) and after a Harvard Law School event, Harvard Business School’s HARBUS wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. He taught an entrepreneurship class at Stanford University as an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) by getting undergrads to guest lecture.


By Larry Chiang

Working as an engineering intern, it is critical to begin to build your personal brand. Here are notes from #GSBBEN585. Its an excellent looking class called “Project You“: Building and Extending your Personal Brand (Spring; 7 classes; waitlist is at 28)

Read about how an instructor and guest lecturer reached out to my friend Tony Hsieh on Poets and Quants


Graduate School of Business Lecturer, Allison Kluger
#GSBBEN585 Co-Lecturer, Tyra Banks, Supermodel, Entrepreneur, and CEO, will lead this #BrandProjectYou class.

This class will be a highly interactive learning environment with image transformations, live broadcasting of presentations at a television station, live streaming of portions of the class on Facebook Live, and YouTube recordings of presentations.

Class participation and interactive class activities are part of the expected assignments.

The class culminates with the students sharing their honed personal brand to the public via three viable platforms (Facebook Live, local television, YouTube) to jump-start their personal brand extension. A 1 minute : 00 second original iPhone (or similar device) video stating “Who you are, what your personal brand is, and why this class would be impactful for you?” will be a mandatory requirement before Class #1.

Once you get accepted, there is no option to drop out as there is a mandatory short survey that needs to be completed a week before class one. If you do not want your image broadcast across multiple platforms, this is not the class for you. There is also a mandatory additional class to broadcast final projects live from KMVT television station on Thursday, May 18th, 6-9pm Do not apply for this class if you cannot make this, or any of the other 6 classes. If you can commit to these 7 classes, you will have a dynamic, transformational, highly interactive experience in which your personal brand will get seen by the public.


Engineers will be entering the workforce needing to know and understand how to assess, create, broadcast, and maintain their personal brand.#

The hashtag #BrandProjectYou will help people who read this on twitter execute:

– What is a safe start to publicizing your career (which is just starting)

– What is a risk mitigating personal brand?

– and how can it be unleashed as a valuable, competitive advantage?

– Why do you need a personal brand? How do you differentiate yourself and create a brand identity and strategy?

– How do you use social and traditional media to enhance your brand effectively as well as measure the metrics of social media responses?

– And how do you know when to pivot and evolve your brand for sustainability?

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