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In The Media

Cadavers and Their Role in Teaching at Stanford Engineering

by Larry Chiang on September 6, 2016

StanfordFacultyClub (@StanfordFacClub)
Cadavers help teach new medical students that the patient always comes first…

By Larry Chiang

Cadavers are like startup’s that used to be alive. Cadavers are what doctors practice on. 

Stanford. #surgery203 <~> #cs183e. 

Why are you practicing on a live company when you should be cutting into cadavers and learning basic company anatomy. #surgery203 relies on cadavers because you cannot kill something already dead. 
#cs183e. Practice editing a dead startup. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#surgery203 <~> #cs183e. Cadavers are like startup’s that used to be alive. Cadavers are for “practice”…

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