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Chiang’s #CS183 Spinoff from Stanford Engineering CS 183, “Startup”

by Larry Chiang on December 17, 2016

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#CS183 spinoff– u need VC money and distribution. Here’s step 1: #cs183vs to get a credit line for proprietorship

By Larry Chiang

Peter Thiel has been in the news a lot. Here, he is sitting next to President-elect, Trump.
Have you read Zero to One!? In that Stanford Engineering #CS183 book, Professor Peter explains how to go from “0” to 1.o, where 1.0 is Google/PayPal/Lyft. Starting a monopoly is tough*

*(yes The Professor advocates the lofty goal of starting a billion dollar startup that’s a monopoly in Lecture 5; Stanford engineering #cs183)

This spinoff hashtag, #cs183vs, is to explain how to go from Zero to Stanford Law Review. That was Peter’s first commercial hit. To me, Stanford Law Review sure sounds a whole heckava lot like Harvard Law Review.

This Harvard / Stanford combo punch, sequel franchise was quite genius.

Stanford Business School. What do they not teach there, I asked!?!


Insight.  #cs183vs is going to have a ton of pit stops with semi naked people but that’s because:
–  #cs183vs is CS 183 Victoria’s Secret
–  #cs183vs about spinoffs
– Victoria’s Secret is a sequel to Fredericks of Hollywood that Roy Raymond started at Stanford Business School.
– cs183vs is about getting your financial life up and going from being a 18.0 year-old with no VC money to a Peter-Thiel-ian “Stanford Law Review”, step. 
– #cs183vs knowledge activates that a generation of legendary founders used to sell “SAT test prep services” as a proprietorship. 
– cs183vs is about playing small ball

Let us recap using pictures:

 #cs183vs gets your from Zero to $500 credit line. 
#cs183vs gets your “FICO score prep business” up and going where you tutor the credit protocol #cs183vs

Remember the picture we started this blog post with!? That’s Elon Musk in the right corner. This is Elon slinging tesla’s out of the back of his Tesla. Yes, he’s selling cars out of his car. 
So, #cs183vs, gets you from Zero revenue to $600 in revenue***

Get your first sale by doing the other CS 183 spinoff: “#cs183s.”

Not to seem like I’m joking or jerking you around, I’m going to circle around to these true facts you can google

– Elsa is represented by Mark. Mark wrote WTDTYASBS prequel WTDTYAHBS. 


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