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In The Media

Did You Start, Up?!

by Larry Chiang on November 28, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Starting is some of the moist impossible work. Yes moist. If I were to state most impossible, I am losing a humor opportunity and heightening the difficult. 
Brice’s dad told me something that applies…

Anderson (@bricesdad)
What holds people back? Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s laziness. But whatever it is, it’s 100 percent in their head.

Lettuce bust that fear up with cute visual pictures that visually tell you the most low level steps to take!

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
[nods head vehemently]

#Fico800 journey starts at zero.
Goes #zeroPt6 (aka “600”)
Passes #FICO748pt8,
Arrives 800+…

Download the Twitter app to track Brice’s dad.

#Fico800 journey starts at zero. 

Goes #zeroPt6 (aka “600”)

Work the app on your smartphone where your binaural headset engages a person who will pay you revenue. Or give you VC money. 

Passes #FICO748pt8,

Arrives 800+
This site is targeted at future college grads and young professionals, contains user contributed content, and material that may be confusing to a lay audience.

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