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In The Media

Distribution. First Steps Are Miserable!

by Larry Chiang on April 14, 2017

By Larry Chiang
“Your face looks like a fake mask.”
– rando comment
LARRY CHIANG says: “Not a mask! My face is pure joy bc I read #WTDTYAHBS#ch6 =sales and distribution work.”

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Not a mask! My face is pure joy bc I read #WTDTYAHBS#ch6 = cold called at Daily Illini to sell display advertising. #blessed

Later, I coached up Stanford Daily reps on how to sell

We sold display ads by cold-calling tech bloggers to buy display advertising. If they called back…, it’s a pretty large win psychologically

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Cold calling was effen miserable.…


When you meet a kindred spirit (person who also crawled through the mud tunnel that is distribution tasks. Aka we “did things that didn’t scale”. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Selling cars at village in Naperville was effen miserable.…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Andy Duffrain had to crawl thru 3 football fields of sewage to be free. Selling is like taking a pooh shower where dirt is your ONLY soap…

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