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Do Things That Dont Scale But HAVE MOMENTUM #DTTDSBHM

by Larry Chiang on October 6, 2014

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Do Things That Dont Scale But HAVE MOMENTUM #DTTDSBHM
By Larry Chiang


You didn’t invent lemonade, you fraud. But you still had a lemonade stand as your first startup.


Let us get back to that 5 year old version of yourself cuz the version I see is paralysed (i can’t even spell paralyzed bc it’s so for’n to me:-) Dont ANAL-yze entrepreneurship. Practice it? Practice doing a Lemonade Stand (startup?) concept:


Problem: Few founders want to “Do Things That Dont Scale”


Problem: Nearly zero technical co-founders want to sell and cold call


Solution: do small promotional things that are safe, fun and verrrrry low risk


Good news: You as a 9 year old naturally knew how to sell. You ‘sold’ ideas to your parents and sometimes had to sell your creepy Uncle Larry Chiang who talked to you like you were 19 instead of 9 (and you liked it)


Lets play and practice entrepreneurship (secretly and fun-ly).
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The Hidden, Flow-based, Momentum of Having Done Things That Don’t Scale #ENGR145 #dttdsBHM


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
At 9:50pm, I Re-forked the class #CS183B. Forked it bc #DTTDSBHM.
Into #CS183Do. I may only drag 3 kids 🙂
But, then that IS #DTTDSBHM


Download and read, then reach out to a friend to practice StartUpery with you (Bob Metcalfe’s word, not mine)
Doing a couple Pop Up Internships will get Sam Altman’s attention. He is a VC that teaches a class at Stanford
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#DTTDSBHM “They generate revenue very early on in their lives. Often as soon as they get their first user”…

Impress me first

He or 80 VCs will fund you later
Document your successes using 140 character updates that are tagged #CS183Do.

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