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In The Media

Getting Back to Zero With “Rule of 11:11” #RuleOf1111

by Larry Chiang on August 26, 2015

By Larry Chiang
I pay attention to the notes people take in their journal about life, inflection points.

This would count as an inflection point:

Chris Sacca (@sacca)
The richest you’ll ever feel is when you pay off all your debts and get back to zero.

This jives and dovetails with this simple fact: Interest is the largest expense we have in our lives. Money is a horrible, horrible master, but a wonderful servant. Let us get in the right side, the correct side of the interest rate equation.

Silicon Valley guy in NYFW Silicon Valley guy in NYFW
Rule of 11:11
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Wikipedia: I cracked the Fair Isaac credit algorithm #RuleOf1111…

Fair Isaac has the monopoly on credit FICO scores. FICO is the score and the company. 
Rule Of 11:11 is getting 24 1’s in a row. 1’s are on-time payments. So, twenty four on time payments in your name on your solo social security number. The Rule Of 11:11 is getting the first four 1’s and then twenty more

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I actively refute Fair Isaac’s claim that the average FICO is 723. It is 535.…


I hope you feel as rich as Chris Sacca.
If you’re a CS major undergrad, couple Rule Of 11:11 with the subroutine you google: “#ZeroPt6“. It’s making $600k doing pop up internships. 

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