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In The Media

It’s Asinine To Not EDIT

by Larry Chiang on May 28, 2016

By Larry Chiang 
Producers in Hollywood know the value of a great editor. Editing is new here in Silicon Valley
Asinine. Don’t be asinine. 
If you were accidentally asse9, edit your mishap. 

Asse9 Austin Secret Entrepreneurs (@asse9)
Kyle Chapman smartly edited
Edit tweets.
Edit startups #cs183e
Edit credit reports. #cs183editCR

Who is Kyle Chapman!?

Tweets are like credit bureau interactions. They won’t be always all perfect. 
NationalSpellingBee (@ScrippsBee)

James Hubbard (@Hubbsee22)
Somebody get @kchapman_88 a “comfort couch”. Kid just got slain by @ScrippsBee @barstoolsports #ItsNotOkayToLoose


The Internet poured it on…

Double A (@VMware_Ahmed)
the awesomeness of this cannot be overstated
And the majority of the time, there is no edit after the Prestige

Prestige = deleted account for Kyle Chapman
Lose. We only lose if we delete our account. 

The Edit. 

In credit and entrepreneurship “delete our account” happens a lot. We *loose* our heads and do not execute protocol  #cs183e and  #cs183editCR
Edit startups #cs183e 
Edit credit reports. #cs183editCR (<~ click)

Download twitter and see that @kchapman_88 is baaaack!!

Kyle Chapman (@kchapman_88)
Unsure of why the national spelling bee has a “comfort couch” you fucking lost suck it up quit teaching kids it’s okay to lose @ScrippsBee

In credit and entrepreneurship “delete our account” happens so much it’s a cliche. Abstaining from credit does not give you a higher credit score. Abstinence gives you a lower FICO. 

Re-engage after a flat spin to sea. 
Restart and edit 
Execute and CS 183do, “#cs183e” and  #cs183editCR
Edit startups #cs183e
Edit credit reports. #cs183editCR 

Stanford engineering edited *The Chasm* from 1991 in 2012 in Engineering 145

Stanford engineering edited the Bell CURVE too

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