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Larry Chiang Pops Your Credit Cherry

by Larry Chiang on November 16, 2016

By Larry Chiang 
Popping a cherry implies you have a credit hymen that bleeds upon first penetration. Well, let these credit insights penetrate your mindset. Let us take you from credit outsider to credit insider. Yes, men have a hymen too so read on. 
Question: What do you want your {virginal} new  credit report to say?!
Larry Chiang Answer: on time ‘1’; Ontime “1”, on-time 1; on time “1”, paid on time [credit code 1]; 1, 1, 1 for 24 months in a row. 
24 months in a row you pay something more than $0; ontime. In the American calendar, 24 months is 2 years on Experian (TransUnion and Equifax). 
image1.JPG Grrrr, we are angry if there are 2’s or 9’s on credit reports
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
A Jedi can just take Experian’s credit report and write on it like you write on paper using #PObox105281

A “2” is 30-days late. 

A ‘9’ is charged off loan. It’s where the bank gives up that you will ever pay. 

Sent to WORDPRESS from my iPhone 8 that Steve Jobs texted me at (two iPhone 4’s where @6502838008 texted back and forth 🙂

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