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Larry Chiang’s #SXSW Party List (2017)

by Larry Chiang on August 17, 2016

By Larry Chiang 
I am a horrible, horrible man 😉 
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Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Larry Chiang’s #SXSW Party List (2017)

I have been working on the Chiang’s #SXSW Party List since 3/14/16. Annually, I dig for the best VC and entrepreneurship events. This #SXSW Party List included secret email addresses to RSVP. 

The rumors are true. I make a hundred grand by the time #SXSW Interactive ends March 15, 2017. I am a horrible money grubbing WHORE. But I get that $$$ because I get people and their startup’s their ROI. I do not represent #SXSW‘s interest not am I an agent
Problem: Super majority of the time, #SXSW attendees learn about the best events the day AFTER they happen. 
Solution: I am actually directing #SXSW like a sargeant (E-9 rank). Think of yourselves as 2nd lieutenants or majors or whatever that outranks me. But, you’re on my #SXSW turf so pay me as your non-commissioned officer my commission (sorry to be Nixon military metaphors with leadGen metaphors)

This is the back patio of the Four Seasons during SXSWi 
Pay $1,111.oo here

Fast Company hosts a SXSW party at The Grill. You can google that party to RSVP yourself. #FreeTip!

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