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In The Media

Mergers And Acquisitions

by Larry Chiang on August 8, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Laymen’s knowledge of M&A can get you killed. “Enough knowledge to be dangerous” is the equivalent of a PE exec saying about their Private Equity investment into a founder / business operator: ‘we are giving them enough rope to choke themselves.’ What I am saying is that the below knowledge will keep you from financial ruin. 
Listen up. This is a crash course for M&A. It’s only for tech founders with an advanced engineering and an MBA. If you have neither, #stramgt353mAndA is not going to make a whole lot of sense. #Stramgt353 and M&A together might not make a lot of sense because a blog post is a horrible forum to spell out the theorem of #Stramgt353mAndA

Yes, theorem. My #stramgt353mAndA theorem solves the proof “beware of corp dev”. Like a geometric proof, M&A has Corp Dev Sharks that’ll eat your tech startup, before it takes off…

@paulg tweeted, “Beware corp dev”

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
You familiar w #Stramgt353 @paulg ?!
Lol, I’m helping student athletes get the knowledge of an MBA @Stanford


#Stramgt353 is a real Stanford class that teaches search fund-ing. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Curious how a student athlete got #Stramgt353 knowledge as an undergrad!? Be @655Knight 6:15pm #20Jan2015

#Stramgt353‘s textbook is available for purchase

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
2006. @GSBeConference I heard professor Grousbeck speak Re #Stramgt353
It helped me prep #ENGR145‘s #CTCFTR 2012
–Thank you @StanfordBiz

#stramgt353mAndA is built upon 

– Stramgt353
– #ENGR145‘s and

The uber basics.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
See how Vinod started. See the #Stramgt353 textbook. #Ch6 p626…

The practical execution of the proof:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Search fund. #stramgt353
SearchFund, FoundMoney

 #stramgt353e is based on you do not need money for your search fund. You need code and you need coders who sell and distribute doing DJ’d API’s (disc jockey API’s. Application Protocol Interface)

The very specific future of M&A as it pertains to undergrad engineers who gain the knowledge of an MBA before getting their undergrad Bachelors in Science:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#stramgt353mAndA. Trading your puddy cat for someone else’s dog. M&A for startup’s has a protocol.…

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