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Most Valuable Thing On The Internet

by Larry Chiang on May 2, 2016

By Larry Chiang
So many founders look for innovative tools to help gain adoption of their product and hope that their long shot at entrepreneurship success is helped and buoyed by a new technology.
Plot spoiler: the best stuff exists. You just need to rediscover it. As a Stanford engineer, your role is to use stuff that exists and make life-company-world, better. Yes, you engineer what exists.

Ben Brown (@benbrown)
The most valuable thing on the internet isn’t the next big thing, but rather the treasure trove of things we already built and forgot.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessssssssss!…

A pattern I pay attention to = two Chasms. What I mean is that attached your attempt at innovation with something that has been adopted. Your Engineering 145 team’s effort is the dotted line. The solid line is the mature market of a related product that HAS crossed the chasm

Cross the Chasm From the Right (by overlaying a mature industry that has already crossed the innovation gap and is at “Main Street” / early majority / late majority / laggards / late adopters / pragmatists / proof-of-concept, completed 🍀
For example, “Collaborative Economy”. Marketing to the industry to manufacture cars to share in a community would be a hard sell.
BUT, reframing the the area-to-left-of-chasm as actually something old is genius.
For example the slogan. “The collaborative economy is actually just a compression algorithm for Are You A Good Neighbor to Lend My Tesla Car To?”
In a video…
In a picture, it’s the collaborative economy in a honeycomb. Collab via lending out your house via Airbnb to strangers. A honeycomb is old. 
The honeycomb wound be the solid line area. {your engineering 145 team is the dotted line area}
Set the Entrepreneurship Bell Curve…,

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