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In The Media

My SXSW Method to Get Selected for “Panel Picker” 2015

by Larry Chiang on July 24, 2014

By Larry Chiang 
I’ve always wondered about SXSW content. If it was so awesome, why wait 6-8 months?
I’ve also always wondered about the GMAT. I mean why ace a test just to wait 12-38 months for knowledge you need now (OB, fin & accy. Organizational behavior, finance, accounting). Why wait?
I’ve also wondered by founders don’t self fund by “Beating the FICO” and then reading from the book of Mark McCormack (and blog of Mark Cuban).
I guess that’s why I’m alpha male in all of California (as an Illinois resident). It’s cuz I don’t ponder I do. I don’t wonder… I just execute
See my keynote executed while all y’all are submitting to the SXSW panel picker (btw, it’s all open source so rip my album freely)
“The Keynote You’ll Never Hear at SXSW 2015”

My Stanford Engineering video boils down 20,000 hours and moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve using seven live-action hashtags 

From: SXSW <>
Date: July 24, 2014 3:11:53 PM EDT
Subject: SXSW 2015 PanelPicker Entry Deadline is Impending!

Hey Lawrence,

Greetings from SXSW, we hope your summer is going splendidly.

As someone who has entered a proposal through the PanelPicker before, we wanted to remind you that the 2015 Interactive Festival PanelPicker ( is now open, accepting programming proposals and the deadline is impending! The stated deadline is tomorrow Friday, July 25 at 11:59pm CT. We have been known to extend the deadline through the weekend and we’re nothing if not traditionalists here at SXSW Interactive, so stay tuned to our website ( for more deadline information. We hope you’ll send us an idea again this year because you, the community, play a large role in telling us what you would like to see more (or less) of at SXSW Interactive by sending and voting on PanelPicker entries. Please also take note of these important 2015 dates:

*   Monday, August 11, 2014: 2015 SXSW PanelPicker voting process begins
*   Friday, September 5, 2014: 2015 SXSW PanelPicker voting process ends

Have questions regarding what it takes to make the cut, or just want to get some helpful tricks of the trade? Then be sure to read the PanelPicker FAQ ( which contains almost all the PanelPicker information your heart could possibly desire. As a freebie, we will say that for 2015 we will continue our trend of increasing the number of solo, dual and instructional workshop programming that we accept in lieu of panel sessions.

If your questions aren’t answered by the PanelPicker FAQ  please shoot us an email to and we will be happy to answer all your SXSW-related questions. We look forward to reading through all of your mind-blowing ideas. Remember that SXSW Interactive is positioned at the forefront of creativity, so get inventive with it. The more innovative your speaking proposal, the better!

Best of luck,

Your friendly Interactive Panels Team

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