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Pop Up Accelerator for Entrepreneurship in The Berkeley is PUAEB

by Larry Chiang on March 17, 2013

By Larry Chiang

Have you met me?!

I’m the guy who does stuff that makes sense. Uber common sense.

So all y’all know that “Oski” was founded by a Cal ENGR. William Rockwell! It’s true. Mr Rockwell was shy and used a bear mascot costume to transform from shy undergrad into a bear that rallied. He was a transfer student. Well, I’m an engineer too and while I’m not transferring to Cal, I do date Cal and did start #PUAEB.

What’s PUAEB?!

It’s something Oski would love!! It puts all Cal bears on the correct side of the shareholder equity equation. Remember, Paul Graham pulled up stakes and left Cal. Paul and Y-Combinator used to alternate Startup Schools between Cal one year, and Stanford the next. Now Startup School is never at Cal and always at Stanford.

Oski doesn’t like that.

So here is Pop Up Accelerator for Entrepreneurship in The Berkeley (PUAEB).

Let’s start with “Getting a VC You Don’t Know to Mentor You”. Or

You can alternatively learn to purposely be an “Accidental Entrepreneur”

Here is how ‘Pop Up Accelerator for Entrepreneurship in The Berkeley’ works.

1- Ya go to the Peets on Vine and Walnut.

2- Check-in on Yelp. It was co-founded by two engineers too, that Yelp was.

3- Google who Alfred Peet of Peets coffee mentored.

4- Google Jerry Baldwin

5- Google Zev Siegl

6- Google Gordon Bowke

Peets sold beans to Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowke in Starbucks first year

-7- Start and stop a small baby business in under 8 hours via instructions I’ll text you (it’s about 125-140 characters long)

Oski would want you to Start a StartX (as an undergrad). Oski would want you to start your own Startup School (as an undergrad). Oski wants you to Pop Up Accelerate yourself.

At MIT, I gave the school a franchise called, “The Tom Chiang Engineer to Entrepreneur Transformation”. It’s meant to pepper in, marinate and infused entrepreneurship education into people that may never be founders. Its also meant to engineer up a system of founder skills that accelerates you. Oh. I also engineered out almost all of the risk (#RMRMRE) via (#PRPRPI)

My Stanford Engineering, ENGR 145, video boils down 20,002 hours and moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve

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American Express’ Under-Promoted Credit Truths at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (MBFW)”

Larry Chiang CEO of Duck9 MIT University EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)

PS if you are a Cal engineer, you should crash Startup School at Stanford using the “Crasher to VIP Method”. It’s Oct 26, 2013. Annenburg Auditorium, Stanfurdh CA. 94305

Park at Tresidder.

Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9 125 University Avenue/ 100 Palo Alto CA 94301 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) 650-283-8008 (cell)

**************** Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” CNN Video Channel:

Read my last 10 tweets at

Author, NY Times Bestseller

“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14

52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering

Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

########## Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc. 630-705-5555

More on #ENGR145’s SHIFTING right on the entrepreneur bell curve

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