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Self-Funding with OPM (other peoples money)

by Larry Chiang on July 1, 2014

self-funding with OPM (other peoples money)

Every entrepreneurship insight I get is cited and sourced from a specific legendary business mentor. I pay attention in a depth I consider "motivational listening". In board meetings, lectures, and tech conferences, I seek to out note-take the rest of the room. This article is a snippet of my notes. The scope is self-funding with OPM (other people's money)
Insight number one: Start with other people's ideas. 
Before people share money, they want to test your resourcefulness. Show resourcefulness by taking and using ideas. Show resourcefulness by executing ideas. 
These ideas are all floating around like songs that have not been yet connected. Disc jockeying is kinda new. Music is 500 years old. DJ-ing is 30 years old

Insight number two: DJ two ideas.

Ideally, you're DJing two APIs. An API's a protocol interface to an existing idea. DJ two existing pieces of technology. Just like a re-mixed song, this now sounds, looks and walks like it's new.

With this semi-new tool, you can now be self funded by…

Insight number 3: Realizing no big company does anything innovative in-house.

It seems counterintuitive.

Set aside your disbelief and execute a solution to an existing problem. For that big company. Self-fund a semi joke entity with a toy. Two APIs dj'd together is by definition a toy.

Seek and "sell" a company on your tech innovation (while simultaneously self funding with revenue) by…

Insight number four: the Fifth Epiphany.

Have you heard of the legendary book: Four Steps to an Epiphany?

Well at HBS, there is an article called "Fifth Epiphany". It stands on the shoulders of five legendary business books, levers non employee co-founders and shows how money flows into a new company without having to raise VC.

You better get to googleing Fifth Epiphany

 essay on self-funding with OPM (other peoples money)?

It's a window that is working well right now that your readers will find in depth and surprising

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