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Text me as “Larry Ocho Ocho”

by Larry Chiang on July 22, 2015

By Larry Chiang
I’m aware that I sound like I’m joking.
My laughter eases the monotony of getting any undergrad 24 1’s; 24 on time payments in a row. Twenty four payments associated to a solo credit card with a solo social security number.
{trying saying that 36,000,000 times over the www}
To repeat for the 36,000,001st time: “24 1’s (1’s are on time payments) on a solo credit card with a solo social security number. Not two social security numbers. Not your name on a credit card. Your parents and your parents. S-o-l-o.
Don’t stress. People with Stanford Law school degrees don’t understand American credit law well enough to to get an Amex either
Puppies and sophomore sorority girls listen super well.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Omg, I just figured out Chad Ocho-Cinco. It’s Mexican for FICO 860

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
5 books will help you, the engineering undergrad, #LevelUp. I cite and source all 5 in Boston MASS

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