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The Adult Marshmallow TEST. Passing it helps your FICO

by Larry Chiang on October 12, 2015

By Larry Chiang

This will make more sense if you’ve read my “Marshmallow FICO” piece.

Someone who is hopeful the the credit delinquencies will disappear sounds a lot like this…

Good Sunday to you sir. I have a question as I have recently have been trying to attack my credit problems. Admittedly for the last 7 years its been like an avoidance of a terrifying movie. I use to have a credit score of 780. Everything you stated in most of want I’ve read today seems to be on point. Yet after a career move about 8 years ago and some awesomely destructive assumption a 2 year unemployment or underemployment saw my credit score at one point as low as 400s (didn’t even know that was possible.) Yeah Iost alot but I had hopes I could get some of my credit worthiness back. Here’s  my question: 

On my free credit report I saw something near the bottom of each account that gave a date when a delinquent debt would be removed. Most of the major ones totalling about $60k in consumer debt would or should be removed by the first quarter of next year. Will these removal reflect on my FICO if I am understanding this section correctly? How long will it take if my assumption is correct. 

Thank you for your time in advance.

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