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In The Media

The Current State of #cs183D

by Larry Chiang on August 4, 2016

By Larry Chiang

I pay attention to what Stanford engineering used to teach.
I pay attention to what Stanford engineering is currently teaching about entrepreneurship.
Here is what you should pay attention to inside of #cs183 lec 9; #cs183b lec 5 and lec 8; “Distribution”. Sales and distribution is rough and tough as per #cs183b Lec 3 “dttdsBHM”. Paul Graham’s Lec 3 inside cs183b was “Do Things That Don’t Scale (But Have Momentum)”.

D is for Distribution.

Do is doing distribution.  #cs183Do

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

Focus on getting to be a #ZeroPt6 as a CS major via 5 #PopUpInternship(s)

That’s #cs183Do

Right after this picture was a selfie, no-self.

A selfie no-self helps you because I am like the non employee co-founder of your Stanford Law Review.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

@asse9: Focus on getting to be a #ZeroPoint6millionaire as a CS major via 5 #PopUpInternship (s)

That’s #cs183Do

Do and practice fundamentals. Entrepreneurship has fundamentals like how basketball makes you practice layups.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Peter wants you to be a fellow he never was cs183.
I am asking you to do leftie and rightie layups
#zeroPt6 is #cs183x‘s sequel to #cs183Do

The most important VC concept-to-company is “S Law Review”. It’s was a lock and guaranteed Peter Thiel, a win. Stanford Law Review is a sequel to Harvard Law Review. But in Palo Alto. 

Do. Do involves doing solutions like this MIT problem
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#hackMIT was ‘hacked’ by solving a real conference issue and brand activating what they DO #cs183Do…

You do not need VC. 

You don’t need an Ivy degree. Just do.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
There are 50k tweets before #26Feb2013 that need zero VC, zero ivy degree. Just, do! #cs183do



Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
cupcakes, chandeliers, toilets, insurance. We #cs183Do.
We #cs183s(ell).
We don’t just theorize like #cs183b did

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