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In The Media

The Significance of 850 Barack Obama Avenue

by Larry Chiang on March 10, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Me, Dick Durbin and Barack Obama engineered a legal (House Resolution 627) system. #HR627 is the Card act. #HR627 is where a $300 credit line = Maximum college student intro credit line. #HR627‘s mandated max $300 credit line builds FICO
A $300 credit line adhering to HR 627 builds credit score as well as a $15,000 capital one credit card they used to issue in the 90s. True story, Cap One would cram a $15k credit line down a freshman’s throat, causing undergrads to drop out at a rate over 8%
I lost a lot of friends to credit card death…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Wayyyy before Ronald Reagan passed, the epynonymous airport was nomenclated. #SXSW #850BarackObamaAve
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
True story: FI a la Experian, #transUnion Equifax dings your FICO if you list MLK (ditto UPS) #850BarackObamaAve #FICO850
#ExpTransFax #SXSW

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Every address from 748.8 #FICO748pt8 to 850, I care about #850BarackObamaAve<~ #530Lytton<~ #cs183yC #SXSW

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Barack Obama, Tom Kosnik @tjkosnik & #StevenZumdahl (I’m the turd they polished) #HR627 #850BarackObamaAve #SXSW

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
U a house republican blaming & criticizing Obama for skipping Mrs Reagan!? Blame me at #850BarackObamaAve#SXSW

A party 03-11-16

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