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What They DO Teach at Stanford Engineering About Distribution, Promotion and Selling

by Larry Chiang on April 10, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Let us examine the American entrepreneurship phrase, ‘sales premium‘. Premiums are good things that are associated with what we are promoting. Sales premiums stimulate, augment and help close deals. Sales premiums help technical sales people increase patience so that we can mentor them more because our product is technical. Premiums help us lubricate the mentorship process and act as a pseudo-bribe

Remember, even an elected government official is allowed to accept a cookie and 500ml of milk

Cookies are a sales premium. Providing kale says something else to the customers standing in line
These guys waiting to pay Elon Musk for a Tesla will not eat kale. Probably. 
The eHarmony launch did not have Kale. eHarmony “ElevatedCareers” launch party had candy. 
[photo credit Calvin Lee in @mayhemStudios feed on Twitter]

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I swear, before I got to @StanfordEng, they were trying to do #LeadGen w/Kale. Now, we use cupcakes, pizza & puppies

Kale actually tastes worse than carrots


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Most common pattern: Use tools that aren’t adopted yet to drive adoption #PRPRPI…

Kale is not popular. 

Medium is not popular. 
Facebook live is not popular because it was launched a week ago. 
Snapchat is sorta popular
Puppies, hot supermodels, cupcakes are popular. 
Hot supermodel. Popular.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#PRPRPI: Using items to the left of the innovation chasm…

Snapchat has not crossed the innovation chasm yet. So relying on tools less popular than puppies and sugar is dangerous. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
A rising tide lifts ships, yes. But ask yourself how tide works…

Tide has a universal component. Water. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Water. Moon. Gravity.…



Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#1 mistake @StanfordEng: Crossing the Chasm From The Left. #CTCFTL, Using Innovative Tools Few Have Adopted.…


Gabe Rivera (@gaberivera)
Always find it strange when people say Medium is a platform for distribution. That can only be true for a fairly small number of people.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Hunter @hunterwalk, I’m w/Gabe @gaberivera & his thoughts about medium being a distribution method. #ch6…

Insert picture of Brady promoting HPE at SXSW. {photo credit Rebecca Wissinger @rjwissin}

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