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Y Combinator Loves, “Relentlessly Resourceful”

by Larry Chiang on September 26, 2014

Larry Chiang has a Jedi in Business Admin. With “31 Envelopes“, he can dispute and beat ExpTransFax’s goliath credit bureau’s, credit reporting power. Chiang got to keynote at a University he did not get into: Harvard University. They wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Be a Jedi in Business Administration and “Be More Relentlessly Resourceful than James Bond”

Larry ChiangBy Larry Chiang

As a founder team you get coached at YC to be James Bond. I take pretty darn good notes sitting “First Chair Entrepreneurship”.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
James Bond is “relentlessly resourceful” #CS183B

Download the other 41k tweets or just read this pertinent one:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
James Bond is unflappable, tough, knows what to do in any situation, act quickly, decisive, creative and ready for-anything. #CS183B

Sam Altman said, “James Bond is unflappable, tough, knows what to do in any situation, act quickly, decisive, creative and ready for-anything”

Problem: There are no James Bond patterns mentioned past the initial teaser:  “James Bond is unflappable, tough, knows what to do in any situation, act quickly, decisive, creative and ready for-anything”
PROBLEM: no PG essay or CS183B lecture explains to me how James Bond is relentlessly resourceful in a way that I, as an undergrad, can pattern replicate (PR. Pattern replicate. Is part if PRPRPI explained below here it says PRPRPI )
Solution: my best extrapolation for “how James Bond’s relentless resourcefulness” can help you get YC and VC funded 🙂
Sam Altman stress James-Bond skills over “domain expertise” at the 14:11 mark. Lecture #2. CS 183B. Oct 25. 1:25pm. Here is what Sam and PG mean to explain
-1- Jet setting based on the whiff, scent and remote possibility of a business relationship THAT DOUBLES YOUR SHAREHOLDER EQUITY.
At the 43:13 mark (if you’re studying #CS183B at home), Sam told a story of flying out and squatting for a 6am meeting. A meeting with a junior level person led to an escalation.
This meeting took place after they were told no. “No, go home”
The meeting led to getting a contract for Sam’s YC team. The last-minute flight led to their startup inflection point. Jet setting and flying off for meetings parlays into my next YC James Bond point…
-2- Airbnb founders always came to Tuesday night dinners with their roller bag
Ok, enough on jet-setting to meetings. Lets look at how James Bond does the ambush hijack meeting.
-3- How PG and James Bond do Coupa Cafe meetings
Have you seen when the VIP comes home, James Bond is just sitting in the chair in the dark… …gun barely visible. They chat. Well that is an ambush meeting. No choice for the VC but to take that meeting if you’re a founder squatting in the parking lot at 428 University. [By the signicade sign]
Paul Graham still does this.
Text me if you want the story.
So, oct 17, 2009 (me thinks?), I’m on a coffee date with ‘Jessica’. My first mistake was picking Coupa. Anyway, Paul Graham not only sprang on me… He completely hijacked my meeting
I think he funded “Jessica” on the spot. James Bond does the ambush kidnap maneuver. PG does the ambush-Imma-gonna-fund-you-Hijack meeting. Whether he had a checkbook with him, I dunno
James Bond memorized back account numbers and Swift codes, so he is checkbook free.
-4- James Bond walks the hotel lobby wet and naked
Entrepreneurship strips you of your pride and is an up-at-dawn, pride swallowing experience. Graduating at the top of the class at the English equivalent of West Point nets you a week of hiding in a water closet on a yacht so you can kill Wamboisee (imdb reference requested in the comments)
Founders need to go to events quasi underdressed – That. And showing up like that IS the dress code.
-5- Past hardship makes you resourceful
If your father went to MIT.
And your mother went to Yale. You’re the opposite of James Bond because he grew up an orphan subjected to horror. Maybe as a Stanford kid on athletic scholarship, you should mimic the Jedi in Business Administration (link to what you google about a JBA below)
-6- Creativity
James Bond may have graduated with honors, but he combined being school smart with being street smart.
While no one can cram a 38 year olds brain into your 19 yo brain, I was able to put street smarts into a classroom #ENGR145
It’s renamed #CS183D and is available here The class isn’t even a class. It’s really just a hashtag with subroutines you execute
For example a CS 183D subroutine’s
– #CrasherToVIP
PRPRPI explained
-7- James Bond sucks compared to R2D2
YC kids. Like Jedi’s? Well, r2d2 is what the coolest founders are. A dozen blog posts support the truth that R2D2 rules
Two minutes on to the Death Star, R2D2 has hacked the cloud and was alpha droid shutting down the garbage compactor. James Bond is a pretty, pretty boy in a tux. Looks like C3PO and sounds like him too
C3PO’s are like VCs – protocol droids that are tall shiny and pretty
The male on the right is pretty worthless
Stop wanting to be be James Bond. Be a CS major CRO / CS major CEO and execute a Jedi in Business Admin
This 9 year old learned how to execute a verbal deal. Does he look like James Bond or R2D2?

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