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There is no one with the power to change the Bitcoin halving

by Larry Chiang on January 17, 2020

By Larry Chiang
Deep Undergrad Crypto Knowledge. Do these Asian people at a crypto conference who are in-the-know mad!?
image1.jpegDeep Underground Crypto Knowledge 9
There is a halving coming up. Miners rewards are cut in half. Are asian people pissed? 
Think about this eventuality. 

Bruce Fenton (@brucefenton)
There is no one with the power to change the Bitcoin halving. Think about that.

It means zero chance of hearing “They delayed the halving”. There is no “they” in this structure who would have that power. The predictability of the code can be relied on.

There is no one with the power to change the Bitcoin halving. Think about that. 

It means zero chance of hearing “They delayed the halving”. There is no “they” in this structure who would have that power. The predictability of the code can be relied on.

Set a clock to Bitcoins predictability 

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