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In The Media

Where Stars Come From And Why People Rise

by Larry Chiang on November 8, 2019

By Larry Chiang

It’s staggering, the volume of people under mentor Mark Marquess
I’ve maybe helped five baseball players with their FICO score from 1990 to 2016
Notice how Bill Clerico mentors the eagle to avert his face and gaze downward so that the eyeballs appear correctly in the Eagle

Larry Chiang @duck9 (@LarryChiang)
Notice how Bill mentors the eagle to avert his face and gaze downward so that the eyeballs appear correctly in the Eagle PHOTOGRAPHS
#SuccessionThe PetCo puppy and Clark Bear, not so much. #ch5 is Mentorship

I was never a mascot like Bill and these two need to meet Bill Clerico’s genius because they’re looking outta their mouth 

Will your mentor say, “I see a lot of me in you”
Larry Chiang @duck9 (@LarryChiang)
Will your mentor say, “I see a lot of me in you”

Good mentors learn from their mentees

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