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In The Media

63,030 Students for CS 183B Distribute WINNERS to LOSERS in a Bell Curve Pattern

by Larry Chiang on September 26, 2014

By Larry Chiang


Oh, I’m here to dole out wisdom if you want to go from Silicon Valley outsider to Bay Area insider (lol, I just made a CS 183, Lecture 18, Peter Thiel pun:-)


Quora said that I was part of Silicon Valley’s triple threat {along w/ YC and Stanford). So, since I am an institution now ($ know you’re busy ;), I will just rifle off something that’ll knock that sticker off your Mac. Really.


“7 total hours can move you past 63.01k students.”
– Larry Chiang


A week ago, Sam had 50k. By the time you’ve read this, it might be 80,000

Sam Altman (@sama)
50,000 people have now signed up to watch CS183B (




Student entrepreneurship has a bell curve. How competitive are you!?! Well, you’ve read this far, so “Congrats”


Let me reiterate something all y’all already know. 63,010 students won’t do dick. 20-24 will. If you’re part of the “20”…, Good news


Good news is that it’s not even going to take 7 hours. It’s not a sales pitch for a book. No, I dont wanna “advise you and take back end points”. I just want a hug and a high five. Well, it’s also me teasing you with high rewards, small effort and street smarts. I’m putting out…


…2 videos no longer than 9 minutes, 59 seconds, each, will lever what PG and Sam Altman repeatedly say: “Do things that don’t scale”. They video and stress and blog this point BUT DON’T BREAK IT DOWN INTO TACTICAL, ACTIONABLE STEPS.
ME?! I didn’t parlay my lofty title into VC funding but rather doubled up my effort to document. I broke down “do things that don’t scale” into over a dozen subroutines here:
And here


Steve Blank has some thoughts via twitter that I shared here
Startup School had a sequel too: “Startup Academy”. See how University of Texas students shifted the the successful side of the bell curve 
Take another 9:59 and write down every hashtag. Then tweet or text it to me. For example, “#EUBM”. It’s all super easy to execute. But wayyyyy easier not to do the things that don’t scale.


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