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In The Media

Adding Positive Credit Data to Average Out Credit Mistakes

by Larry Chiang on January 7, 2015

By Larry Chiang 
Duck9 means to avoid and duck 9s
9s are charge-offs if you’re a consumer
9s are ABC if you’re a startup (assignment for benefit of creditor). This blog is written at the junior-in-college level. If there are phrases that seem foreign, you must use a search engine. 
A charge-off is a bad, bad credit mistake. 
Augment that mistake with a tidal wave of momentum. Build Credit Score by Engineering Up Tidal Wave of Momentum #bcsEUTWM” <~ click this hashtag to see the below tweet along with 20 other tips:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The prequel of “#bcsEUTWM“, is a book with a 100% rebate

Download the official Twitter app here and favorite 5 tweets I curated #bcsEUTWM

Paper credit disputes that are mailed adhere to and leverage Fair Credit Reporting Act. FCRA is a law in America. Telephone complaints are not protected under FCRA 
Parking tickets are often double billed. Parking tickets are the leading cause of “charge-offs”. 

Duck9 is 

Undergrad (venture)
Knowledge. You should duck chapter 9 bankruptcy. 
Question: “I don’t have Twittr and therefore can’t favorite #bcsEUTWM
LARRY CHIANG ANSWER: get a “less than minimum viable twitter account. #LTMVTA. Are you seeing a pattern?! Click ~~> #bcsEUTWM

Read it
Do it
Email me to let me know you did it
Do some more

Start by favoriting 5 tweets. 

Q: Who does this? What if it doesn’t work?
LARRY CHIANG: hot girls at the best colleges do this. Community college girls, not so much. I pole better with smart, hot women. Ugly dumb women hate me. 

So, what’s it gonna be. Love or hate. U pick. 

Lisa Falzone doing well is going to lead me get 2 – 9 more coeds to a FICO score over 750. FICO is a credit card credit score that dictates the interest rate you pay. Like an SAT score, the higher the FICO, the better. Lisa Falzone started a business called Revel. She is a millionaire. Your results may vary. 
Your high FICO score will not vary because FICOs scores for people are incredibly stagnant. High FICO people tend to be and stay high. Unfortunately it applies to low FICO as well

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