By Larry Chiang
I promote credit cards for money and crash entrepreneurs into new tech industries. I am so surprised Amex won SXSW.
I’m more surprised by this fact than when my Chem prof, Steven Zumdahl discovered his pseudo worst student, me, got #1 starting salary at a Fortune 100 chemical co. You see, it pays to pay attention to everyone and mentor students with your entire being. Even the students that you think are remedial and only got in because they played a varsity sport. I love Steven Zumdahl!!
Back on topic, Amex won SXSW.
It was honored at a half-dozen parties that it didn’t have control over. Amex tutorial parties were given during this Geek Spring Break
I guess I am just surprised that the three below marketing maneuvers worked so well
What A Super Model Can Teach a Harvard MBA About Credit
American Express’ Under-Promoted Credit Truths at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (MBFW)”
My Stanford Engineering video shifts you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve by learning and executing #LeadGen