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An Open Tweet from “@LarryChiang” to Clincle

by Larry Chiang on September 24, 2014

By Larry Chiang 

“It’s an honor, really. T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U”

You need a cleaner like the fictitious MICHAEL CLAYTON who knows their way around how D-I-S-T-R-I-B-U-T-I-O-N

If you’ve been to any rose bowl in Pasadena, then all y’all know about my “Pop Up Sorority house @Langham with kappa kappa gamma (WISCONSIN) / Thetas (MSU)

These are the naysayers who present smart pithy arguments, eloquent and brief…:

Evelyn Rusli (@EvelynRusli)
Clinkle disrupts…the prepaid credit card?…


Matt Galligan (@mg)
@EvelynRusli You have *got* to be kidding me. So it’s $30m for a pseudo Venmo but uses a physical card?

Do see some hiLarryAss tweets

Evelyn Rusli (@EvelynRusli)

Down for a good Owen Thomas chuckle

Owen Thomas (@owenthomas)
@mg @EvelynRusli And you can only send balances to other people with the same card. In other words, not even that.

In my industry of janitorial work at Y2E2, we have a saying: “The Market Bats Last”

Who am I?!
I bailed these guys out while living in a dorm
Their problem was jurvie started doling out free web based email addies and PayPal was paying $10 per. By Jurvie, I mean Steve Jurvetson.
Download the official Larry Chiang video that will move Clinkle to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve. And take good notes bitchezz
Oh. I’m installing myself on the board as a non-voting observer who gets paid 75c per $100.oo of equity created
By the time this 13 year old gets into Stanfurdh, Clinkle will be a tenth-i-corn exit. 1/10 a Unicorn

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