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In The Media

Blogging on WordPress B-E-F-O-R-E Any Conference

by Larry Chiang on September 15, 2014

By Larry Chiang 
The idea: Surpass others.
Many people beg to attend conferences on behalf of their company. Verrrry few people blog.
My theory is to surpass others with preparation.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
How to Pre-Blog Any Conference or Tech Conference

1/ Set up a wordpress under your URL.

1a/ If you don’t have a URL, just sign up at wordpress
2/ pick a focus
For example ENGR145 students get to attend TechCrunch’s August Capital. So the focus would be #TCaugustCapital
3/ Use the MVBP formula
What is an MVBP?
12 sentences
Two pictures
One focus
4/ the 2 pictures would be something that augments the focus
Staying with the last example, you can use pictures from the previous years techcrunch event
5/ Locate the event on the web and link to the site’s URL and be sure to include the http
6/ wordpress “Trackbacks”
When one wordpress blog post links to another wordpress blog post, the author is notified. So lets say your first WordPress blog post links to this article that you are reading…, It shows up down below in the comments
8/ the MVBP is a signature business formula.
Since it is cool to tweet, I curate the best WordPress articles and track my trackbacks. They’re under the hashtag #MVBP
More signature business recipes are attached to hashtags. The hashtags are previewed in two videos

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