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In The Media

Car Loans for Sub 550 FICO Score Individuals

by Larry Chiang on June 23, 2014

By Larry Chiang 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“mail anything to a PO Box and the CREDIT BUREAUS must treat it with the highest level of importance”

– Larry Chiang June 2014

Are u upside down right now?

This means if you were buying a 2,000 car. You’d be paying the 2000 and the balance for the last car that was repo’d

I’ll assume you were upside down

I’d text me cuz mentoring college students to a FICO of 720+ is very homogenous

How your credit score is messed up is very diverse. What I mean is that there is one super easy way for students to build a high credit score that is also static and difficult to “ding”. Wrecking your credit score is easy
UCMS is #1 at selling credit cards to students 
They innovated with HR 627 and lobbied for credit education as part of the card activation process (630-705-5555)

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