By Larry Chiang
Im en fuego!
But you the undergrad benefit. Me read good. See I read and re-Read a troll I didn’t get mad. I didn’t get even. I don’t get mad at the Engineering 145 student from Texas that wrote it. I love Texas.
There is a million dollar (revenue over 10-12 yrs) part time lifestyle business right there on Quora. I came up with it as I was planning a senate hearing (or *another* Senate committee hearing) on Quora violations of terms of service (TOS). Here is the Ga Ga Guaranteed lifestyle biz that leverages the TOS. The quora TOS allows u to keep your own content. Now lets parlay that technical hack into solving a problem that exists: “My business should be a media business but I don’t know squat about SEO and Im a rich dumb business owner in Oak Brook IL at 2021 Midwest Road dot com”
Here is the business: ‘Let me quora that for you’ – read questions on Quora – answer quora questions on your own blog. Or your clients blog. – wait for spiders to crawl your wordpress blog article (execute MVBP where the old business owner emails you 12 sentences, two pictures that answer the quora question) – Wait another couple days. – Wait one more day. – COPY PASTE THE ENTIRE MVBP BLOG POST THAT THE OLD PERSON EMAILED TO YOU THAT YOU PUBLISHED. IT IS NOW READY TO GET PASTED INTO QUORA.
the google algorithm (I didn’t hack that but I read others who did. I only hacked Fair Isaac’s algo). The G algo favors the wordpress site when you search for ‘college student fico prep’ or ‘Gua Gua Guacamole’