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In The Media

CS 183 D

by Larry Chiang on September 25, 2014

Larry Chiang focus is on starting up you YOU. You, starting up a FICO over 780. You, starting up a Twitter account. You, starting up a company. He edits the CNN iReport channel “What They Don’t Teach You at Business School”. It syndicates while maintaining zero copyright. After Chiang’s Harvard Law keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“ (the same title as his NY Times best seller). If you read his scandalously awesome “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Stanford MBA”, “How a Stanford Engineer Works Hard and Smart at SXSW” and “How to Get Man-Charm”, you will like his latest post that leverages CS183B “How to Start a Startup”:

It is simply called “CS 183 D”

—- PALO ALTO, Calif.

By Larry Chiang

 There is no Stanford Engineer CS 183D class. I made it up to solve a half dozen problems listed down below.
If this were a class, the “D” would stand for “do”. As an execute somethiiiing
CS 183 D-O = execute and perform business subroutines. CS 183(d) equals executing business. Perform and “Do” patternistic recipe moves. Execute and do yummy as Gua Gua Guacamole recipes. See cool, old, signature business recipes my mentor Mark McCormack taught me.
Let me soundbyte a morsel:
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#cs183D = class that no one teaches.
No one talks.
You just secretly *DO*. #cs183B‘s sequel class to the prequel #CS183
“CS 183B” is right now (today!) at nvidia. At 1:10pm. It’s taught by Sam Altman. His guest lecturers are PG and Adora Cheung
Before CS 183 B was CS 183 by Peter Thiel. Yes these classes are all Stanford. Yes, 100% of the content is free and trademark free
Now, after you #CS183B’d and #CS183’s (meaning you uploaded the knowledge from the twitter feed into your brain via the upload called “reading”, then we execute.
We execute and “do”!
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
While you’re in #CS183B, I rec you execute the business-subroutine #CS183D


Unofficial Austin (@UnofficialATX)
#CS183D is a sequel’s sequel to #CS183B
Which is a sequel to #CS183


It’s about the get dicey:
“#CS183D has a video I memorized that links to
Inside of this “chasm” video, I have the hashtag, “#CTCFTR” into a dozen sub-hashtags. If you’re versed in GitHub or StackOverflow, you’re comfy with subroutines that overlap, fork and spoon.
If you don’t know how to “fork” GitHub, punch yourself in the face. Garry Tan told me to code so you should too. If you do not know how to spoon StankOverFlow, know I just made that up
Sorry it’s not funny.
Ok, to clarify, I was at an NLCS baseball game and taught this 9 year old how to close deals via verbal agreements.
I broke down this method of getting a deal done via three hashtags
It’s in the “Cross the Chasm From the Right #CTCFTR” video
Wanna start? Tweet: “#CS183D”
Don’t have the Twttr app? Here is a business recipe for starting that #LTMVTA
Account (LTMVTA)

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