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CS Major Founders Inside YC Who Fail Will ALWAYS Attempt to Delegate Selling, Sales and DTTDS

by Larry Chiang on November 17, 2015

By Larry Chiang

If you’re YC and do not know, “d.t.t.d.s.”, just punch yourself in the dick while nicking half a berry. (If you’re a YC female, you don’t need to punch anyone bc your fear of “imposter syndrome” had yourself probably overprepparing by reading PG’s 10x)

Promotion. (eg sales skills)

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#AfterParty. (So easy to do Pop Up Internship #2. Easier not to #puInternship2 cc @sgblank)…

[puInternship2 was designed to help Cambridge and 94305 kids practice promotion]. 7, 7 hour pop up internships install the Larry Chiang sales brain inside your brain like Neo in The Matrix. The 7 internships are in my Twitter feed

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
No matter how smart u R, Palo Alto and Cambridge, you’re gonna need to “trade show”  #puInternship1ggg #puInternship2…

Steve Blank as in Professor Steve Blank. He taught ENGR145, Engineering 245 and entrepreneurship at Cal (class number needed). Yup, trade shows

Work the trade shows as if they’re a CS class with a bell curve. If you go to a school that gives all As and Bs, the bell curve implies what a B+ means at Stanford: You suck 😉
Dan Olsen (@danolsen)
The truly Lean are at the unofficial @leanstartup Conference afterparty at Interval Cafe #leanstartup

The unofficial @leanstartup Conference afterparty is a pattern I recommend that you pattern iterate. Here is why:

– You can’t fail when you promote an afterparty at a cafe. 
– You will get press when you produce an afterparty. 
– You will maybe get Wall Street Journal coverage. 
– Doing an afterparty helps you get distribution 
– Hosting helps you as a CS major outflank econ majors and hustle harder
– Afterparties with tap water and coffee ARE ALL UPSIDE
– afterparties help you Engineer Up A Tidal Wave of Momentum, Perpetual Promotion Machine 
It’s good on toast.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)



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