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Duck9 Treats a 42 yo Differently From a 17 1/2 year Old

by Larry Chiang on June 15, 2017

By Larry Chiang
I’m Larry Chiang. I’m CEO at Duck9. It’s nice to meet you via text message…
Ok, so I’ve watched and read nearly everything on your blog. I understand the mechanics (now, at 42) of how to keep it up, but what can I do now that it’s nearly ruined? 

I’m most confused by the comments saying you’ve helped people raise their scores in as little as 48 hours!”
LARRY CHIANG Answer: The 48 hours is the fast start program in Tucson AZ, Urbana IL & Palo Alto Calif for undergrads. Think credit virgins. Think 17 1/2 year olds who are preparing to be 18 year olds with a $300 line of credit and a FICO score over 777. Basically, it’s the “Hack your credit score as a Stanford CS major” blog post. 
I do not enjoy being in the Gamma Phi Beta house, so let us conduct our networking and mentorship session via email

Lawrence.Chiang+duck9@gmail dot com

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Age of accounts is in the credit score. If you are 17.9 years old, it will be very difficult to start-up…


Sent from my iPhone 8 that Steve Jobs texted me at (two iPhone 4’s where @6502838008 texted back and forth 🙂

Because you are 42 years old, I will politely decline. Duck9 only works with college students for FICO score establishment and credit score augmentation. 

Instead of you paying me, why don’t I pay you to watch you make jokes and go the wrong way so that we can have a testimonial case study of how NOT to do things

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