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In The Media

Hiten Shah’s Advice on Advice

by Larry Chiang on April 14, 2016

By Larry Chiang
I wanted to call this article, “Worst Vice is Free Advice, Solved“. This theme delves into a passion topic of mine: Mentorship. Stanford engineering mentorship seeks to solve the problem of startup advice. Silicon Valley’s worst vice: Free Stanford engineering’s YouTube advice on entrepreneurship.

I’m talking about…

Hiten Shah (@hnshah)
Today @firstround review published an article about my advice on advice!… Thank you @shaunyou @camillericketts 🚀
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
This is like if Tony Robbins had a CS degree. And texted u.…

Tony Robbins is verrrry gifted. But he doesn’t have a CS degree. And he doesn’t have a VC Rolodex like ours. So, let’s go deeper into why mentorship:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
You do not mentor for the sake of the mentee,
You coach for the sake of your own mindsee. #ch5…

In short, mentoring and coaching helps us to be better mentees.  Ev Williams likes Tony Robbins too. Tony wrote 
Unlimited Power. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Reframe(p289), context, action (p47). Precursored by persuasion (p385). [Tony Robbins –Unlimited Power]…

To repeat, Unlimited Power
Page 289; Reframe(p289), context, action (p47). Precursored by persuasion (p385). All from the Hiten Shah article at
Shaun Young (@shaunyou)
Good advice tips people toward action, not options. You may think all you need is advice. Practice is what you need.…
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Advice: “cs183, #cs183b#CS183c
Practice: #cs183s#cs183e#CS183d cc @hnshah…



VCs talk a lot. #cs183e is about practicing.
Stanford engineering has a 3 class series inside the CS program on Startup, Entrepreneurship, Advice: 
Stanford engineering cs183, 
Stanford Engr, #cs183b,
Stanford Engineering – #CS183c
Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman. 
Advice from VCs
Practice with founders: 
Peter’s Lec 9, CS 183 and Lec 5;cs183b spawned #cs183s
PG’s Lec 3 cs183b gave birth to, “#cs183e
And #CS183do
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
.@hnshah I’m selling a wordpress blog post about this Re worst vice is free Advice, solved

This is that $920.00 article. This the article you just read was USD$920 –You’re welcome. 

Net, net practice and do something 
In short, take the advice and pop your cherry de la revenue. 
I’m selling these videos for $35,000 each…
Pay me after you’re a millionaire. Or don’t pay me. No worries, I’m rich already. Obvi

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